We need a parser. I have developed a liking for SLR parsers. So let's make one of those. We need a set of tokens
int = [0-9]+ float = [0-9]*,[0-9]+ id = [a-zA-Z]+ plus = + minus = - times = * divide = / power = ^ lpar = ( rpar = ) comma = ,We need the id for built in functions such as sqrt.
Since I have already built a parser for propositional logic, Prop2Table, a parser that is very similar to this one, I will skip a lot of the details. Let us build the grammar
Exp \rightarrow Exp plus Exp Exp \rightarrow Exp minus Exp Exp \rightarrow Exp times Exp Exp \rightarrow Exp divide Exp Exp \rightarrow Exp power Exp Exp \rightarrow minus Exp Exp \rightarrow Call Exp \rightarrow Atom Call \rightarrow id lpar Args rpar Args \rightarrow Arg Args' | Args' \rightarrow comma Arg Args' | Arg \rightarrow Exp Atom \rightarrow lpar Exp rpar Atom \rightarrow float Atom \rightarrow intWith this grammar we can nest calls. That's pretty decent, I think. As we have done before: First we construct an NFA to use with the nfa2dfa converter. To do this we add a start productions and number all the productions (thus obtaining the expanded grammar).
#Transitions #[0] Exp' -> Exp start (A) -Exp>(B) ((B)) #[1] Exp -> Exp plus Exp (C) -Exp>(D) (D) -plus>(E) (E) -Exp>(F) ((F)) #[2] Exp -> Exp minus Exp (G) -Exp>(H) (H) -minus>(I) (I) -Exp>(J) ((J)) #[3] Exp -> Exp times Exp (K) -Exp>(L) (L) -times>(M) (M) -Exp>(N) ((N)) #[4] Exp -> Exp divide Exp (O) -Exp>(P) (P) -divide>(Q) (Q) -Exp>(R) ((R)) #[5] Exp -> Exp power Exp (S) -Exp>(T) (T) -power>(U) (U) -Exp>(V) ((V)) #[6] Exp -> Call (A1) -Call>(B1) ((B1)) #[7] Exp -> Atom (C1) -Atom>(D1) ((D1)) #[8] Exp -> minus Exp (F1) -minus>(G1) (G1) -Exp>(H1) ((H1)) #[9] Call -> id lpar Args rpar (I1) -id>(J1) (J1) -lpar>(K1) (K1) -Args>(L1) (L1) -rpar>(M1) ((M1)) #[10] Args -> Arg Args' (O1) -Arg>(P1) (P1) -Args'>(Q1) ((Q1)) #[11] Args -> ((R1)) #[12] Args' -> comma Arg Args' (S1) -comma>(T1) (T1) -Arg>(U1) (V1) -Args'>(W1) ((W1)) #[13] Args' -> ((A2)) #[14] Arg -> Exp (B2) -Exp>(C2) ((C2)) #[15] Atom -> lpar Exp rpar (D2) -lpar>(E2) (E2) -Exp>(F2) (F2) -rpar>(G2) ((G2)) #[16] Atom -> float (H2) -float>(I2) ((I2)) #[17] Atom -> int (J2) -int>(K2) ((K2))We add epsilon transitions from every non-terminal transition to every production of that terminal
#added epsilon #[0] Exp' -> Exp start (A) -Exp>(B) -eps>(C) -eps>(G) -eps>(K) -eps>(O) -eps>(S) -eps>(A1) -eps>(C1) -eps>(F1) ((B)) #[1] Exp -> Exp plus Exp (C) -Exp>(D) -eps>(C) -eps>(G) -eps>(K) -eps>(O) -eps>(S) -eps>(A1) -eps>(C1) -eps>(F1) (D) -plus>(E) (E) -Exp>(F) -eps>(C) -eps>(G) -eps>(K) -eps>(O) -eps>(S) -eps>(A1) -eps>(C1) -eps>(F1) ((F)) #[2] Exp -> Exp minus Exp (G) -Exp>(H) -eps>(C) -eps>(G) -eps>(K) -eps>(O) -eps>(S) -eps>(A1) -eps>(C1) -eps>(F1) (H) -minus>(I) (I) -Exp>(J) -eps>(C) -eps>(G) -eps>(K) -eps>(O) -eps>(S) -eps>(A1) -eps>(C1) -eps>(F1) ((J)) #[3] Exp -> Exp times Exp (K) -Exp>(L) -eps>(C) -eps>(G) -eps>(K) -eps>(O) -eps>(S) -eps>(A1) -eps>(C1) -eps>(F1) (L) -times>(M) (M) -Exp>(N) -eps>(C) -eps>(G) -eps>(K) -eps>(O) -eps>(S) -eps>(A1) -eps>(C1) -eps>(F1) ((N)) #[4] Exp -> Exp divide Exp (O) -Exp>(P) -eps>(C) -eps>(G) -eps>(K) -eps>(O) -eps>(S) -eps>(A1) -eps>(C1) -eps>(F1) (P) -divide>(Q) (Q) -Exp>(R) -eps>(C) -eps>(G) -eps>(K) -eps>(O) -eps>(S) -eps>(A1) -eps>(C1) -eps>(F1) ((R)) #[5] Exp -> Exp power Exp (S) -Exp>(T) -eps>(C) -eps>(G) -eps>(K) -eps>(O) -eps>(S) -eps>(A1) -eps>(C1) -eps>(F1) (T) -power>(U) (U) -Exp>(V) -eps>(C) -eps>(G) -eps>(K) -eps>(O) -eps>(S) -eps>(A1) -eps>(C1) -eps>(F1) ((V)) #[6] Exp -> Call (A1) -Call>(B1) -eps>(I1) ((B1)) #[7] Exp -> Atom (C1) -Atom>(D1) -eps>(A2) -eps>(E2) -eps>(G2) ((D1)) #[8] Exp -> minus Exp (F1) -minus>(G1) (G1) -Exp>(H1) -eps>(C) -eps>(G) -eps>(K) -eps>(O) -eps>(S) -eps>(A1) -eps>(C1) -eps>(F1) ((H1)) #[9] Call -> id lpar Args rpar (I1) -id>(J1) (J1) -lpar>(K1) (K1) -Args>(L1) -eps>(O1) -eps>(R1) (L1) -rpar>(M1) ((M1)) #[10] Args -> Arg Args' (O1) -Arg>(P1) -eps>(B2) (P1) -Args'>(Q1) -eps>(S1) -eps>(A2) ((Q1)) #[11] Args -> ((R1)) #[12] Args' -> comma Arg Args' (S1) -comma>(T1) (T1) -Arg>(U1) -eps>(B2) (V1) -Args'>(W1) -eps>(S1) -eps>(A2) ((W1)) #[13] Args' -> ((A2)) #[14] Arg -> Exp (B2) -Exp>(C2) -eps>(C) -eps>(G) -eps>(K) -eps>(O) -eps>(S) -eps>(A1) -eps>(C1) -eps>(F1) ((C2)) #[15] Atom -> lpar Exp rpar (D2) -lpar>(E2) (E2) -Exp>(F2) -eps>(C) -eps>(G) -eps>(K) -eps>(O) -eps>(S) -eps>(A1) -eps>(C1) -eps>(F1) (F2) -rpar>(G2) ((G2)) #[16] Atom -> float (H2) -float>(I2) ((F2)) #[17] Atom -> int (J2) -int>(K2) ((K2))This we run through the converter to obtain shift actions. Now before we create the tables, let us decide on associativity and precedence. We get
precedence: plus:1 minus:1 times:2 divide:2 power:3 associativity: plus:left minus:left times:left divide:left power:rightFrom this we create the tables. First we calculating follow using the extended grammar and the Grammar2Set converter. With the follow sets we can obtain reduce actions as done in the prop2table project. With solved conflicts we get
Action Table
comma | divide | float | id | int | lpar | minus | plus | power | rpar | times | $ |
s5 | s6 | s7 | s8 | s9 | |||||||
r8 | r8 | r8 | r8 | r8 | r8 | r8 | |||||
r7 | r7 | r7 | r7 | r7 | r7 | r7 | |||||
s10 | s11 | s12 | s13 | s14 | r1 | ||||||
accept | |||||||||||
r17 | r17 | r17 | r17 | r17 | r17 | r17 | r17 | ||||
s15 | |||||||||||
r18 | r18 | r18 | r18 | r18 | r18 | r18 | r18 | ||||
s5 | s6 | s7 | s8 | s9 | |||||||
s5 | s6 | s7 | s8 | s9 | |||||||
s5 | s6 | s7 | s8 | s9 | |||||||
s5 | s6 | s7 | s8 | s9 | |||||||
s5 | s6 | s7 | s8 | s9 | |||||||
s5 | s6 | s7 | s8 | s9 | |||||||
s5 | s6 | s7 | s8 | s9 | |||||||
r15 | r15 | s5 | s6 | s7 | s8 | r15 | r15 | r15 | r15 | r15 | r15 |
s10 | s11 | s12 | s13 | s27 | s14 | ||||||
s10 | r9 | r9 | s13 | r9 | s14 | r9 | |||||
r5 | r5 | r5 | s13 | r5 | r5 | r5 | |||||
s10 | r2 | r2 | s13 | r2 | s14 | r2 | |||||
s10 | r3 | r3 | s13 | r3 | s14 | r3 | |||||
r6 | r6 | r6 | s13 | r6 | r6 | r6 | |||||
r4 | r4 | r4 | s13 | r4 | r4 | r4 | |||||
s28 | r11 | ||||||||||
s29 | |||||||||||
r13 | r13 | r13 | r13 | r13 | r13 | r13 | r13 | ||||
r14 | r14 | r14 | r14 | r14 | r14 | r14 | r14 | ||||
r16 | r16 | r16 | r16 | r16 | r16 | r16 | r16 | ||||
r15 | r15 | s5 | s6 | s7 | s8 | r15 | r15 | r15 | r15 | r15 | r15 |
r10 | r10 | r10 | r10 | r10 | r10 | r10 | r10 | ||||
r12 |
Goto Table
Exp' | Exp | Call | Args | Arg | Atom | |
0 | g4 | g3 | g2 | g1 | ||
1 | ||||||
2 | ||||||
3 | ||||||
4 | ||||||
5 | ||||||
6 | ||||||
7 | ||||||
8 | g16 | g2 | g1 | |||
9 | g17 | g2 | g1 | |||
10 | g18 | g2 | g1 | |||
11 | g19 | g2 | g1 | |||
12 | g20 | g2 | g1 | |||
13 | g21 | g2 | g1 | |||
14 | g22 | g2 | g1 | |||
15 | g26 | g24 | g23 | g25 | ||
16 | ||||||
17 | ||||||
18 | ||||||
19 | ||||||
20 | ||||||
21 | ||||||
22 | ||||||
23 | ||||||
24 | ||||||
25 | ||||||
26 | ||||||
27 | ||||||
28 | g26 | g30 | g23 | g25 | ||
29 | ||||||
30 |
And this is actually it. When the parser parses a string, it does so the same way as one would traverse the resulting syntax tree. That is: we just evaluate with the parser. So in order to get a deeper understanding let us draw a tree. Say we have
1 + 2 + 3 * 4 * 5For this expression we get the tree

Which we traverses buttom up, or depth first, and we have a valuated expression that respects the precedence and associativity rules. This is excatly the way the SLR parser traverses the expression.