
An n-ary relation is a subset of the cartesian product of \( n \) sets. Most common are binary relations. Given a set \( A \) and a set \( B \) we can form a binary relation \( R \) as a subset of \( A \times B \). For example if we have $$ A = \{1,2,3\} $$ and $$ B = \{a,b\} $$ we can form the following relations $$ R_1 = \{ (1,a),(2,a) \} $$ or $$ R_2 = \{ (1,a),(2,b),(3,a) \} $$ However the relation $$ R_{not} = \{ (1,1),(a,1) \} $$ is not a subset of \( A \times B \) since \( (1,1) \not \in A \times B \) and \( (a,1) \not \in A \times B \).

For a relation, \( R \), we tend to describe that two elements, \( a,b \), are related by \( a\ R\ b \) - meaning \( a \) is related to \( b \) by relation \( R \). The order is important. \( a\ R\ b \) doesn't necessarily imply that \( b\ R\ a \).
