Mono-, Epi- and Isomorphisms


An arrow \( f : A \rightarrow B \) in a category \( \mathcal{C} \) is a monomorphism (or monic) if for every pair of arrows, \( g,h : A \rightarrow B \) in \( \mathcal{C} \) we have that $$ f \circ g = f \circ h \Rightarrow g = h $$ In \( Set \) monotonically functions are monic. For example say we have the function from integers to integers: $$ f(x) = x^2 $$ this clearly isn't monic. Pick $$ g(x) = -x,h(x) = x $$ for which $$ f(g(2)) = f(h(2)) $$ but we do not have $$ g(2) = h(2) $$ On the other hand $$ f(x) = 2 \cdot x $$ is monic. Proof: let \( g,h \) be functions. In order to reach a contradiction assume $$ f \circ g = f \circ h \land g \neq h $$ now let \( x \) be such that \( h(x) \neq g(x) \). \( f \) is clearly injective. So we have that $$ x \neq y \Rightarrow f(x) \neq f(y) $$ And we have $$ f(g(x)) \neq f(h(x)) $$ contradicting our assumption.

In \( Set \) it is so that any monic arrow is injective. This goes for other structures as categories as well. Like \( Mon \),\( Grp \),\( Rng \) and so on


An arrow \( f : A \rightarrow B \) is an epimorphism (or epic) if for any pair of arrow \( g,h : A \rightarrow B \), we have that $$ g \circ f = h \circ f \Rightarrow g = h $$ Again in \( Set \) these arrows are functions that are surjective. That is the functions for which $$ \forall y \in B\ \exists x \in A : f(x) = y $$

For the category of monoids we have some arrows that are epic, but not surjective. Observe the homomorphism $$ i : (\mathbb{N},+,0) \rightarrow (\mathbb{Z},+,0) $$ mapping each element of \( \mathbb{N} \) to the corresponding non-negative value of \( \mathbb{Z} \). \( i \) is not surjective. However given homomorhisms \( f,g : (\mathbb{Z},+,0) \rightarrow (M,\star,e) \) mapping to some monoid, we can show that \( i \) is epic. Let \( f \circ i = g \circ i \). Observe that for \( z \geq 0 \) we have that \( i(z) = z \). And hence $$ f(z) = f(i(z)) = g(i(z)) = g(z) $$ Now for \( z \lt 0 \) we have that \( -z = i(-z) \) and hence using the above that \( f(-z) = g(-z) \). And we get $$ f(z) = f(z) \star g(-z) \star g(z) = f(z) \star f(-z) \star g(z) = g(z) $$ Thus \( i \) is epic.


An arrow \( f : A \rightarrow B \) is an Isomorphism if there is an arrow \( f^{-1} : B \rightarrow A \) such that $$ f \circ f^{-1} = id_B $$ and $$ f^{-1} \circ f = id_A $$ If any isomorphism exists between two objects \( A \) and \( B \) they are said to be isomorphic.
