Restricted in Vintage

These cards are restricted in Vintage. Probably meaning they are quite powerful.


Black Lotus [Artifact] [Limited Edition Alpha] [rare] []
Chalice of the Void [Artifact] [Mirrodin] [rare] []
Lion's Eye Diamond [Artifact] [Mirage] [rare] []
Lotus Petal [Artifact] [Tempest] [common] []
Mana Crypt [Artifact] [HarperPrism Book Promos] [rare] []
Mana Vault [Artifact] [Limited Edition Alpha] [rare] []
Memory Jar [Artifact] [Urza's Legacy] [rare] []
Mox Emerald [Artifact] [Limited Edition Alpha] [rare] []
Mox Jet [Artifact] [Limited Edition Alpha] [rare] []
Mox Pearl [Artifact] [Limited Edition Alpha] [rare] []
Mox Ruby [Artifact] [Limited Edition Alpha] [rare] []
Mox Sapphire [Artifact] [Limited Edition Alpha] [rare] []
Mystic Forge [Artifact] [Core Set 2020] [rare] []
Sol Ring [Artifact] [Limited Edition Alpha] [uncommon] []
Thorn of Amethyst [Artifact] [Lorwyn] [rare] []
Time Vault [Artifact] [Limited Edition Alpha] [rare] []
Trinisphere [Artifact] [Darksteel] [rare] []
Vexing Bauble [Artifact] [Modern Horizons 3] [uncommon] []


Golgari Grave-Troll [Creature] [Ravnica: City of Guilds] [rare] []
Lodestone Golem [Creature] [Worldwake] [rare] []
Monastery Mentor [Creature] [Fate Reforged] [mythic] []


Necropotence [Enchantment] [Ice Age] [rare] []


Ancestral Recall [Instant] [Limited Edition Alpha] [rare] []
Brainstorm [Instant] [Ice Age] [common] []
Demonic Consultation [Instant] [Ice Age] [uncommon] []
Dig Through Time [Instant] [Khans of Tarkir] [rare] []
Flash [Instant] [Mirage] [rare] []
Gush [Instant] [Mercadian Masques] [common] []
Mental Misstep [Instant] [New Phyrexia] [uncommon] []
Mystical Tutor [Instant] [Mirage] [uncommon] []
Vampiric Tutor [Instant] [Visions] [rare] []


Library of Alexandria [Land] [Arabian Nights] [uncommon] []
Strip Mine [Land] [Antiquities] [rare] []
Tolarian Academy [Land] [Urza's Saga] [rare] []
Urza's Saga [Land] [Modern Horizons 2] [rare] []


Karn, the Great Creator [Planeswalker] [War of the Spark] [rare] []
Narset, Parter of Veils [Planeswalker] [War of the Spark] [uncommon] []


Balance [Sorcery] [Limited Edition Alpha] [rare] []
Channel [Sorcery] [Limited Edition Alpha] [uncommon] []
Demonic Tutor [Sorcery] [Limited Edition Alpha] [uncommon] []
Gitaxian Probe [Sorcery] [New Phyrexia] [common] []
Imperial Seal [Sorcery] [Portal Three Kingdoms] [rare] []
Merchant Scroll [Sorcery] [Homelands] [common] []
Mind's Desire [Sorcery] [Scourge] [rare] []
Time Walk [Sorcery] [Limited Edition Alpha] [rare] []
Timetwister [Sorcery] [Limited Edition Alpha] [rare] []
Tinker [Sorcery] [Urza's Legacy] [uncommon] []
Treasure Cruise [Sorcery] [Khans of Tarkir] [common] []
Wheel of Fortune [Sorcery] [Limited Edition Alpha] [rare] []
Windfall [Sorcery] [Urza's Saga] [uncommon] []
Yawgmoth's Will [Sorcery] [Urza's Saga] [rare] []