Pande-Burst in Type One

I found an old box of crap on the attic. You know old papers from school, pictures of me with pimples and weird haircuts. And then this deck - printed on two pages. Dated 15-09-01. It is from So it is pretty easy to find it again: Pande-Burst in Type 1. We have 64 cards main deck for some reason:

qtyartifact (11)
1Black Lotus
4Lion's Eye Diamond
1Mana Crypt
1Mox Diamond
1Mox Jet
1Mox Ruby
1Mox Sapphire
1Sol Ring
qtyenchantment (8)
4Saproling Burst
qtyinstant (17)
1Ancestral Recall
4Force of Will
1Frantic Search
4Mana Drain
1Mystical Tutor
1Stroke of Genius
1Vampiric Tutor
qtyland (18)
4Gemstone Mine
1Tolarian Academy
3Tropical Island
3Underground Sea
3Volcanic Island
qtysorcery (10)
1Demonic Tutor
1Time Spiral
1Time Walk
1Wheel of Fortune
1Yawgmoth's Will

It actually comes with description and instructions:

Ok, here's the scoop. You cast an early Intuition, and if your opponent isn't dense, they will not give you a Pandemonium and a Saproling Burst right off the bat. You use the Tutors to get whatever card you feel will win you the game soonest. Usually you try to draw counters by hardcasting the spells before doing a Replenish. The Mana Drains and Force of Wills are self explanitory. I include Lion's Eye Diamonds because they are so cool. For this deck, they are almost always shown to be better than Black Lotus. Although the eratta on the Lion's Eye Diamond makes it useless to play spells, it still lets you break it after stacking a Replenish to get the rest of the combo from your hand into the graveyard. As for a sideboard, I suggest someting along the lines of: 4x Hydroblast 4x Blue Elemental Blast 3x Red Elemental Blast 4x Pyroblast This is because T.1 Sligh can be a problem, and other counters suck too.

So you want to fill your graveyard with Pandemonium and Saproling Burst. And then get it all into play with Replenish.

I like the combo. One or two Pandemonium(s) on the table and you can win with a single Saproling Burst.