Blue/White Monolith

I finally got hold of a set of Power Artifacts. I have long wanted the card, however it always seemed a but too fringe. But for whatever reason - let's go. The card combos with Basalt Monolith. The Monolith is a quite weird mana rock. You can untap it any time by paying 3 generic mana. It taps for 3. So you can actually initiate a rather pointless infinite loop of tapping it to pay for untapping it.

If you in some way can lower the activation cost of untapping it, however, you have infinite colorless mana. Which is exactly the idea of using PA. The combo is quite old - the monolith is from the very first set of mtg. PA is from the expansion Antiquities released one year later. However I have that old Encyclopedia from the nineties (in far from mint condish). And if we look up Basalt Monolith in the extended Errata section, we see:

T : Add 3 colorless mana to your mana pool. This mana may not be used to pay for any Basalt Monolith's untap ability. Does not untap ...

So they actually tried to fix the combo. I found this article from 2006 stating under What Were the Changes?:

Basalt Monolith – This card had textbook power-level errata previously; it basically said “you can't use Basalt Monolith to untap itself.” I'm not sure if this clause was invented to stop combos with Power Artifact or the old wording of Relic Bind , but either way it was bad news. It is removed, and Power Artifact fans across the globe can rejoice!

So it seems the errata was removed in 2006.

Magic : The Gathering, Official Encyclopedia, The complete Card Guide

Enough of that. The card also combos with for example Forensic Gadgeteer. Or one I really like: Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter. The scepter opens for cards like Orim's Chant. A deck is forming.

My initial approach was to include the combo between Marvin, Murderous Mimic, Pili-Pala and something like Silver Myr. However this seems kind of convoluted. Currently the deck is:

qtyartifact (12)
4Basalt Monolith
3Isochron Scepter
4Sky Diamond
1Walking Ballista
qtyenchantment (3)
3Power Artifact
qtyinstant (23)
1Blue Sun's Zenith
4Cunning Wish
2Dramatic Reversal
4Enlightened Tutor
2Orim's Chant
3Spell Pierce
qtyland (19)
4Flooded Strand
1Hallowed Fountain
4Scalding Tarn
qtyplaneswalker (3)
3Teferi, Time Raveler

First of all: this is a playgroup version. So I have excluded Force of Will. You probably want that card if playing competitive.

I haven't played the deck yet. But I have tried a couple of hands, and the list seems a good first take. Teferi, Time Raveler can be protection. He has an ability to bounce troublesome cards. Scepter + Chant is another way that can prevent your opponent from both casting spells and even from attacking you. Together with Teferi your opponent can do absolutely nothing. I have chosen Sky Diamond instead of Silver Myr. With the diamond you can go off in the same round you play the card - you don't have to wait for summoning sickness, and the comes into play tapped down side can be bypassed if you go off with scepter + reversal. Cunning Wish wishes for a wish sideboard - preferably one that fits the scepter:

qtyenchantment (1)
qtyinstant (13)
1Blue Elemental Blast
1Blue Sun's Zenith
1Dramatic Reversal
1Echoing Truth
1Hurkyl's Recall
1Orim's Chant
1Spell Pierce
1Surgical Extraction
1Swords to Plowshares

Pieces can be added or removed rendering the deck to the more control oriented side or the more combo oriented. For example since we don't use the Gadgeteer, Grim Monolith can be used - however it is quite expensive in terms of money cost. Since we have a tool box going with Enlightened Tutor, cards like Humility and/or Moat can be included as a way of locking the game down.